sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009
Cand ma gandesc la tine P.
Am impresia ca esti aici. Inca mai simt ceva. Nu stiu ce, nu stiu de ce... Dar simt. Si cand te vad...
Tu ai fost cel mai apropiad de mine.
Dar azi nu sti nici sa trimiti un sms: "Hei prosto ce mai faci?"
Nici atata.
Dar eu tot astept (Doamne ce astept?!)
Si ma gandesc : Maine o sa fie o zi frumoasa. Soare...
Dar nu.
Poate ma gandesc la tine.Nu stiu.
Poate mi-e dor de tine.
Dar NU VREAU sa recunosc. Nici acuma nu am recunoscut.
Pentru ca esti cretin, adica nu... esti barbat. Si tu esti ca altii...
Mai bine dute... sa nu te vad niciodata.
Stiu... si ea merge cu tine :(
Mi-e dor... si doare.
vineri, 30 octombrie 2009
miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009
Din nou tu...
Din nou eu...
Credinta. "Maine ii alta zi"
Speranta. "Totul o sa fi-e in regula"
Din nou te iubesc,
Din nou traiesc.
Din nou eu...
Credinta. "Maine ii alta zi"
Speranta. "Totul o sa fi-e in regula"
Din nou te iubesc,
Din nou traiesc.
marți, 27 octombrie 2009
Taxi (din nou)
Invata-ma sa iubesc
Taxi - Invata-ma sa iubesc
Nici nu stiu ce-as vrea sa faci
Sa ma iubesti sau sa te prefaci
S-ar putea sa regreti ca m-ai intalnit
E-atat de greu sa fiu iubit
Nu mai simt nimic, nu mai vreau nimic
Nu mai stiu sa mangai nici macar un plic
Nu, nu sunt asa
Pur si simplu asa e viata mea
Vad ca inca n-ai plecat, vad ca inca mai esti
Asa ca daca te-ai hotarat sa stai si sa ma iubesti
Invata-ma sa iubesc
Ajuta-ma sa traiesc
Invata-ma, stiu ca-i greu
Dar ajuta-ma sa fiu eu
Invata-ma sa nu plang
Ajuta-ma sa pot in brate sa te strang
Invata-ma sa rad, dar inainte invata-ma sa plang
N-am mai zburat de atata timp in vise
N-am mai umblat printre nori
N-am cantat de-atata timp in vise
N-am mai visat in culori
Nu, visele mele nu mai au chip, nu mai au glas
Si sunt singurul lucru care mi-a ramas
Invata-ma sa iubesc
Ajuta-ma sa traiesc
Invata-ma, stiu ca-i greu
Dar ajuta-ma sa fiu eu
Invata-ma sa nu plang
Ajuta-ma sa pot in brate sa te strang
Invata-ma sa rad, dar inainte invata-ma sa plang
Vad ca inca n-ai plecat, vad ca inca mai esti
Asa ca daca te-ai hotarat sa stai si sa ma iubesti
Invata-ma sa iubesc
Ajuta-ma sa traiesc
Invata-ma, stiu ca-i greu
Dar ajuta-ma sa fiu eu
Invata-ma sa nu plang
Ajuta-ma sa pot in brate sa te strang
Invata-ma sa rad, dar inainte invata-ma...
...sa iubesc
Ajuta-ma sa traiesc
Invata-ma, stiu ca-i greu
Dar ajuta-ma sa fiu eu
Invata-ma sa nu plang
Ajuta-ma sa pot in brate sa te strang
Invata-ma sa rad, dar inainte invata-ma sa plang
Si-as mai vrea sa te rog sa nu uitam
Dragostea e simpla, dar noi cand ne iubim o complïcam
sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009
Dragostea ca o pereche de pantofi
E cat se poate de normal
ma uit la tine cum iti mai arunci niste pantofi
pentru ca s au rupt si sunt foarte vechi
nu iti mai trebuie, nu ai ce sa faci cu ei
e cat se poate de normal
doar nu ai sa mergi toata viata cu acceasi
pereche de pantofi
nu o sa porti acceasi poseta sau acceasi cercei
dar daca nu iti mai trebuie dragostea mea
daca nu mai ai ce sa faci cu ea
nu o arunca asa, mai bine aseaz o undeva
aseaz o intr un loc cu multa lume
pe o strada aglomerata sau intr o sala de cinema
poate o gaseste cineva si are nevoie de ea
aseaz o undeva, aseaz o undeva, daca nu iti mai
trebuie dragostea mea
aseaz o undeva, aseaz o undeva, daca nu iti mai
e cat se poate de normal
sa se adune foarte multe chestiide care nu mai ai
te lovesti de ele prin casa si le arunci pe toate
intr o zi
ma gandesc ca asa se intampla si cu dragostea
te impiedici de ea intr una si te gandesti ca n
are nici un rost sa o mai tii
si nu te gandi ca daca o lasi pe strada o sa o sa
dea vreo masina peste ea
ar fi spectaculos, dar nu sunt eu atat de
joi, 22 octombrie 2009
Poza zilei:
Piesa zilei:
I miss you BLINK 182
Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in backround of the morgue
The unsespecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytime
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head(6x)
I miss you miss you(6x)
Piesa zilei:
I miss you BLINK 182
Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in backround of the morgue
The unsespecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytime
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head(6x)
I miss you miss you(6x)
miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009
Toamna ii faina.
Poza zilei:
Piesa zilei:
Close To You :
I wouldn't call it time well spent
Repeating to myself again
Find comfort in an endless stream of moments
I don't even care, about the way I feel today
Because it changes anyway
Something will make me cry or smile
Another picture on my pile
Now I'm standing close to you
It's just something that I do
When I need love to be enough
I wish love could be enough
'cause there is nothing more appealing
Than the thought that I could be enough
Do you find solace in the sun?
Do you consider life as one?
Do you believe there is a limit
To how fast a man can run?
Someone said you're born alive
Well I don't feel that alive
No I don't feel that alive
I don't feel that alive
Now I'm standing close to you
It's just something that I do
When I need love to be enough
I wish love could be enough
'cause there is nothing more appealing
Than the thought that I could be enough...enough
Piesa zilei:
Close To You :
I wouldn't call it time well spent
Repeating to myself again
Find comfort in an endless stream of moments
I don't even care, about the way I feel today
Because it changes anyway
Something will make me cry or smile
Another picture on my pile
Now I'm standing close to you
It's just something that I do
When I need love to be enough
I wish love could be enough
'cause there is nothing more appealing
Than the thought that I could be enough
Do you find solace in the sun?
Do you consider life as one?
Do you believe there is a limit
To how fast a man can run?
Someone said you're born alive
Well I don't feel that alive
No I don't feel that alive
I don't feel that alive
Now I'm standing close to you
It's just something that I do
When I need love to be enough
I wish love could be enough
'cause there is nothing more appealing
Than the thought that I could be enough...enough
marți, 20 octombrie 2009
The end of 20.October 2009.
Poza zilei:
Piesa zilei:
"9 Crimes" Damien Rice
Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I'd do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it,
How am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I'd do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
she's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it,
how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it,
how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Piesa zilei:
"9 Crimes" Damien Rice
Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I'd do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you
It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it,
How am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I'd do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be cheating on you
It's the wrong time
she's pulling me through
It's a small crime
And I've got no excuse
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it,
how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it,
how am I supposed to hold it
Is that alright?
Give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright with you?
Viata mea.
luni, 19 octombrie 2009
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